Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

To unearth the leadership potentials among the nation builders of tomorrow, Rotary club of Alwaye and  Cochin North have organised Rotary Youth Leadership Awards on 28th and 29th October 2023

Out of 9 schools participated, Peterians grabbed the Ever Rolling Trophy 🏆 and Best School Award ✨.

We are delighted to inform you that Elias Binu of class XI was selected as the Popular camper and Eldho Varghese Paul of class IX was selected as the Best camper.

The team members:

 Joseph Subin - XI

 Elias Binu - XI

 Eldho Varghese Paul - IX

 Hanok John  - IX

 Ruth Susan Babu - XI

 Irin Anna Arun - XI

 Swati P - IX

 Saira Liz Ajish -XI